PHAA - Pimp Hall Allotment Association


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News - School visit 2022
About Us
About Pimp Hall
Our Constitution

Welcome to...
Pimp Hall Allotments,
Kings Road,
North Chingford,
(by Waltham Forest
Recycling Centre)
E4 7HR

Pimp Hall Allotment Association

PHAA :   ...fresh air, peace, plants, nature, good company, a bit of work...    Grow Your Own - Allotment Style...  

Home Page

The Pimp Hall Allotment Association was founded
on 20th October 2013, and is now a
thriving association.

Full membership is available to plot holders; spouses and partners,
siblings and children who participate in allotment activities are
invited to become associate members.

Membership benefits include third party insurance for plot holders,
the opportunity to participate in a discount seed scheme,
bulk purchase of horticultural materials etc.